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General Features
The ASC429-x (AIM SmartCable™) USB module offers full function test, simulation, monitoring and databus analyzer capabilities for ARINC429 applications.
- Available in configurations with 2Tx/4Rx (6 channels) and 4Tx/8Rx (12 channels)
- Powered from the host computer via the single USB2.0 (or higher) connection – no external power adapter is required
- Designed in a connector housing size
- Supports up to 8 discrete input/output signals to be monitored or generated
- Also available with USB-C cable upon request
Onboard Processing – IRIG-B Time Synchronization
An onboard high-precision free-wheeling IRIG-B time encoder/decoder allows users to accurately synchronize single or multiple
ASC429-x modules to a common time source.
Board Software Package – Optional Analyzer Software
Full function driver software is delivered with the ASC429-x cards in comprehensive Board Software Packages (BSP’s) for different Operating Systems.
The optional PBA.pro™ Databus Test and Analysis Tool (for Windows and Linux) can also be purchased for use with ASC429-x modules.
ARINC429 Functionality on further Form Factors
ARINC 429 PCI | ARINC 429 PCIe | ARINC 429 PMC |
ARINC 429 XMC | ARINC 429 PXI | ARINC 429 PXIe |
ARINC 429 CPCI | ARINC 429 CPCIe | ARINC 429 Ethernet |
ARINC 429 USB | ARINC 429 VME | ARINC 429 PCIe Mini Card |

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